Skylar Shyu


Hello! I’m currently a student at the University of Utah pursuing a Bachelor’s in Computer Science graduation soon (May 2019). With that said, I am looking for new grad employment and am very open to relocating.

This past summer, I had the opportunity to work at Symantec as a Software Engineer intern. I was tasked with automating the continuous intergration testing for their Content Analysis System. In addition, I produced a website framework to visualize test results using a combination of D3, Tornado, Nginx, Jenkins, and Supervisord. Prior to this internship, I’ve also had exposure to working in an enterprise IT environment in various capacities (Business Intelligence Intern, Campus Web Hosting Intern, and Student Lead Intern).

My areas of interest within computer science are automation and data analytics, with the goal of standardizing processes and eliminate the human overhead cost associated with performing repetitive tasks, as well as create prediction models to forecast changes. I gravitate toward web development projects as I was exposed to web design at a young age (way back in 1999).

Outside of academics and computer science, I satiate my OCD-ness with games such as Cities: Skylines and Oxygen Not Included, though I’ve found a lovely community within Final Fantasy XIV and have been spending most of my gaming hours there. I’m a huge sneakerhead and own 30+ pairs of deadstock Air Jordan Is and IIIs. In another world, I would be an essayist; in reality, I just binge on fanfiction. Oh, and my cat would be living with me and not with my parents.